Our Partners
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Legacy Project
The SNCC Legacy Project (SLP) was begun to preserve and extend SNCC’s legacy. Although SNCC the organization no longer exists, we believe that its legacy continues and needs to be brought forward in ways that continue the struggle for freedom, justice and liberty. To that end, the SLP is taking a multi-level approach: archiving SNCC documents both digitally and where possible, physically in a manner that protects them and makes them easily available for use; encouraging and assisting in the development of books and other media by SNCC veterans with the idea of having the stories and interpretation of SNCC’s work told by its veterans; developing with colleges and universities a program of SNCC visiting professors and scholars who would in formal and informal ways interact with young people on campuses and take advantage of campus resources to begin telling the story as it should be told; and finally anchored by the Algebra Project and Young Peoples Project pursue one of the still great unfulfilled needs of the Freedom Movement: Quality Public Education as a Constitutional Right. Built into our efforts is the determination to see that our legacy, the legacy of freedom struggle, is passed from our generation to future generations.
Center for Documentary Studies
The Center for Documentary Studies was founded in 1989 at Duke University as the first institution in the United States dedicated solely to the rich legacy and continuing practice of the documentary tradition. Created through an endowment from the Lyndhurst Foundation, CDS has focused since its early days on cultivating new talent in the documentary field, with an emphasis on the role of individual artists in contributing to society. Our broad educational mission is to teach the documentary arts—photography, film, audio, writing, and other creative media; to produce and promote documentary work; and to present the documentary arts to audiences at home and abroad.
Duke University Libraries
The Duke University Libraries are the shared center of the university’s intellectual life. The William R. Perkins Library, Bostock Library, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, and von der Heyden Pavilion comprise the university’s main library complex, which is joined on East Campus by the Lilly and Music Libraries, and by the Pearse Memorial Library at the Duke Marine Lab. Together with the separately administered libraries serving the schools of Business, Divinity, Law, and Medicine, they comprise one of the nation’s top 10 private research library systems.
Contributing Partners at Duke University
- Department of African and African American Studies
- Department of History
- Department of Women’s Studies
- Duke Human Rights Center at the Franklin Humanities Institute
- Duke Human Rights Center at the Kenan Institute for Ethics
- Forum for Scholars and Publics
- Humanities Writ Large Initiative (supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation)
- John Hope Franklin Research Center for African and African American History and Culture
- Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture
- Office of the Provost
- Trinity College of Arts and Sciences