Songs and Their Stories

Bringing People Together

Spreading the Word

Facing Jail, Facing Fear

Taking Songs & Adapting Them

Songs & Their Stories

You knew that if your mind was not staying on freedom, something was going to be overlooked, not carried out.” –Hollis Watkins

The song did evolve as it moved through time. It happened as it became a song used in many communities. –Candie Carawan

Charlie Cobb & Candie Carawan: We Shall Overcome

As March on Washington ends, SNCC staff and friends gather to sing, August 1963, Danny Lyon, Memories of the Southern Civil Rights Movement 85,

I’d been singing it for a long time and didn’t realize the power of the song and the commitment that was behind the song. When I learned the story about that song, it just gave me a lot of pride.–Charles Neblett

Charles Neblett: Oh Freedom

After Schwerner, Goodman, and Chaney were murdered, what they did was dragging the rivers, seeing if they could find their bodies. But what they did, they started dragging up bodies. –Charles Neblett

Charles Neblett & Hollis Watkins: In the Mississippi River

We stayed and sang in jail. We didn’t sing Oginga Odinga. We hadn’t written it. —Worth Long

Charlie Cobb, Worth Long & Charles Neblett: Oginga Odinga
Candie Carawan: They Go Wild Over Me