How do you build coalitions?

Making That Bridge

Cristina Jimenez

Want to Learn More?

United We Dream | Alliances & Relationships | National Conference for New Politics


Organizing the White Community

Zoharah Simmons

Want to Learn More?

SNCC’s Atlanta Project | Showing Up for Racial Justice | GROW Proposal


Working for a Common Goal

Rebekah Barber & D’atra Jackson

Want to Learn More?

Ignite NC | Moral Movement | Amzie Moore puts voter registration on the table


A Moral Language

William Barber III

Want to Learn More?

North Carolina NAACP | Becoming SNCC | Nashville Nonviolence Workshops


Able to Build

Ajamu Amiri Dillahunt

Want to Learn More?

BYP100 | Alliances & Relationships | COFO Reorganized
