

Electoral Prowess : Black Women

Producers: Rebekah Barber, Arthur Braswell, Ajamu Dillahunt-Holloway, Amelia Hayes, Wesley Hogan, Sunny Osment
Director: Danita Mason-Hogans
Writers: Ajamu Dillahunt Holloway, Sunny Osment, Amelia Hayes, Rebekah Barber, and Aaron Keane
Contributors: Courtland Cox, Desmera Gatewood, Judy Richardson, Jennifer Lawson, Charlie Cobb
Audio editors: Aaron Keane (Better Broadcasts and Podcasts), Ricky Rodriguez (Ravenous Creative), John Hewlett, Phillip Agnew (smoke signals studios), Pierce Freelon (Blackspace)
Production date: October 30, 2019

Podcast Resource Guide:

Ella Baker (4:24); Political engagement (x2) (5:32-6:02); Black women health disparities (6:14); Fannie Lou Hamer (7:18); “Millennial” Martin Luther King and Septima Clark (7:52) – This is the first correspondence between King and Clark, who invited the 27-year-old King to Highlander for a summer workshop; Black women voters in Ohio (8:40); Dontae Sharp release, (x2) (10:53)

When You’re Hungry and Need Something to Eat : Building Power

Producers: Rebekah Barber, Ajamu Dillahunt-Holloway, Amelia Hayes, Wesley Hogan, Sunny Osment, and Tim Tyson,
Director: Danita Mason-Hogans
Writers: Ajamu Dillahunt Holloway, Sunny Osment, Amelia Hayes, and Rebekah Barber
Contributors: Courtland Cox, Judy Richardson, James Hayes, Charles Taylor, Nse Ufot
Audio editors: Aaron Keane (Better Broadcasts and Podcasts), Ricky Rodriguez (Ravenous Creative), John Hewlett, Phillip Agnew (smoke signals studios), Pierce Freelon (Blackspace)

Podcast Resource Guide:

Courtland Cox (0:12, 2:24); Judy Richardson (3:14); March on Washington, A. Philip Randolph in The King Papers at Stanford (4:30); Bayard Rustin (4:32); Organizing people (7:40); Black Power (7:40); Dealing with Power (7:40); Bob Moses (9:08); John Lewis (10:25); Ruby Doris Robinson (11:42); Annie Pearl Avery (11:46); Hands on the Freedom Plow (12:55); SNCC’s founding at Shaw University (14:58)

Keeping the Story Before Us : HBCUs and Voting Power

Producers: Rebekah Barber, Ajamu Dillahunt-Holloway, Amelia Hayes, Wesley Hogan, Sunny Osment, Tim Tyson
Director: Danita Mason-Hogans
Writers: Ajamu Dillahunt-Holloway, Sunny Osment, Amelia Hayes, and Rebekah Barber
Contributors:Courtland Cox, Akanke Mason-Hogans, Nse Ufot, Amber Thomas, Desmera Gatewood
Audio editors: Aaron Keane (Better Broadcasts and Podcasts), Ricky Rodriguez (Ravenous Creative), John Hewlett, Phillip Agnew (smoke signals studios), Pierce Freelon (Blackspace)

Podcast Resource Guide:

Suppression of the Youth vote on HBCU, PWI campuses (1:22) (4:28); HBCUs (2:30); Voter suppression (4:28); New Georgia Project (6:45); Mississippi absentee ballot (6:55); Report on Voting Machines and electoral security (8:00); School to Prison Pipeline; Gun Violence in Schools (9:35); Georgia as a majority-minority state in 2024 (x2) (12:10); Lowndes County Freedom Organization (12:37); Jillian Johnson in Durham (12:45); Gerrymandering Black Vote in Greensboro to disfranchise NC A&T (13:24)

These podcasts on the power of the vote were developed through the generous support of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed on these podcasts do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.